Ninerpedia:Privacy policy
Responsible person in terms of the EU General Data Protection Regulation
Michael Zapf
Homburger Straße 2
61184 Karben
General information
When you access our website, information of general nature is collected. These informations are stored in server log files and specify the kind of web browser you are using, the used operating system, the domain name of your ISP and similar points. These informations do not expose any personal data. They are technically required to ensure a correct service of the website contents and are always generated on accesses to websites on the Internet. Anonymous information of this kind is processed statistically to optimize the website service and the supporting technology, and to detect and prevent malicious attacks against this website.
Like most other websites, our website uses Cookies (HTTP State Management Mechanism, RFC 6265). Cookies are text-based files that are downloaded by your browser from our web server. Cookies may contain information like your IP address, browser, operating system, or other information pertaining to your interaction with our website.