UCSD Pascal System
File doesn't exist
PASCAL NOTE: Guy Stefan-Romano, 99ers Users Group. Sept 1984:
In most USCD Pascals. the system is not provided with a SYSTEM.LIBRARY. TI placed parts of Pascal that would normally reside on disk/ram into chips on the card, to allow our tiny machine to run Pascal. TI also provided a SYSTEM.LIBRARY to allow use of sound, graphics. speech etc.
Because installation of a new UNIT into a SYSTEM.LIBRARY requires that a file be open while data is manipulated, the existing SYSTEM.LIBRARY data is quite vulnerable. TI added protection.
You need to call a temporary File -say USER.LIB. transfer all UNITS in SYSTEM.LIBRARY to USER.LIB, then add your new UNITS to USER.LIB and IF all goes well, rename the USER.LIB file SYSTEM.LIBRARY
What is P-Code?
P-Code can be thought of as a universal assembly type language. P-Code was developed to be transportable to different platforms for execution. The TI-99/4A supports P-Code with the use of the P-Code card. Some other platforms that support P-Code are: Z80, Motorola 6800/68000, Intel 8086/8088 and many others.
A sample of USCD Pascal coding
This program will backup any disk using sector I/O; both 1 and multiple drives and single/double sided. Written in UCSD Pascal for the TI 99/4A.
{$L PRINTER: } program fastback;
buffer:array[1..5120] of integer; inunit,outunit:integer; blkbase,blklimit:integer; ch:string[9]; procedure getfrom; begin inunit:=0; while (inunit,.4) and (inunit,.<>5) and (inunit<>9) do begin write('Enter Source Drive # (4,5,9) '?'); readln(inunit) end; blkbase:=0; while (blkbase<>180) and (blkbase <> 360) do begin write('# blocks to copy (180/360) ?') readln(blkbase) end; blklimit:=(blkbase div 10) - 1; end; procedure getto; begin outunit:=0; while (outunit<>4) and (outunit<>5) and (outunit<>9) do begin write('Enter Copy Drive # (4,5,9) ?'); readln(outunit) end end; beqin writeln('FASTBACK [V1,0]'); qetfrom; getto; writeln('insert disks-- to start'); readln(ch); for blkbase:=0 to blklimit do begin if inunit=outunit then beqin write( ' Insert MASTER disk--press when ready'); readln(ch) end; unitread(inunit,buffer,5120,blkbase*10); if inunit=outunit then begin write('Insert COPY disk--Press when ready'); readln(ch) end; unitwrite(outunit,buffer,5120,blkbase*10) end; write1('Copy Complete.') end.
Turbo Pasc'99
Turbo Pasc '99 originated in Germany and initial release to the English world was a German version. It was supplied on disk and did NOT require the P-code card.
The specific origin is murky and anyone with knowledge is asked to edit this article please.
This language is not to be confused with that other Turbo Pascal from Borland. This is closer to ISO Pascal.
Comparison with ISO Pascal
ISO Pasca1 items NOT supported are:
file, in, packed, record, set, type, with, char, ord, pred, round, sqr, succ, trunc,odd, reset, rewrite, dispose, new, pack, unpack.
Items included but not in ISO PASCAL (some replacing items above):
Block, Module, Relative, Stream, String, Open, Seek, Append, Close, Asc, Cursor, Key, Screen, minint, pi, graphics, text, putln, cls, cir, cis, cri, crs, csi, csr, len, int, rnd, seg, tan, randomize.
Variations on ISO Pascal are:
Strings are within double quotes "string" instead of 'string'
REAL must be specified as 4, 6 or 8 bytes- if you select 8 you have normal Ex Bas, precision.
Samples Turbo Pasc '99 code
Integer Math loop
PROGRAM intmath; VAR t, i,x,y : INTEGER; BEGIN writeln("........."); t := 0; FOR t := 1 TO 100 DO BEGIN x := 0; y := 9; writeln("start"); FOR i := 1 TO 1000 DO BEGIN x := x + (y * y - y) DIV y; END; END; writeln("---",x); END.
Writing to disk
PROGRAM store; VAR i : INTEGER; f : STREAM[80]; BEGIN writeln("START"); open(f,"DSK2.TEXT",output); FOR i := 1 TO 1000 putln(f,"1234567890qwertyuiop"); close(f); writeln("*****"); END.