Technical details
Communication with devices
Here is a commented log when formatting a SSSD floppy disk with the TI disk controller. Actually, this dump was achieved using MESS and putting in some printf lines.
Setting up RXTX for Java
RXTX is a serial and parallel port API implementation which is available for Windows and Unix systems, as binary and source code files. The complete documentation and the download location is at You should build the binaries for 64 bit systems from the sources.
Instructions for Linux:
- Unzip the file
- Enter the source directory, ./configure
- Install missing libraries if errors are reported.
- make
- make install
The file RXTXcomm.jar should now be found in the lib/ext folder of your Java installation. The native libraries, and more have been copied into the lib/i386 or lib/amd64 folders (32 bit or 64 bit build; Intel 64 bit also uses the amd64 folder).