GeneveOS Memory Management Functions

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Memory management in MDOS is available via XOP 7. In the MDOS sources the relevant files are manage2s and manage2t.

Fast RAM is all memory with 0 wait states (SRAM), while Slow RAM is 1 wait state RAM, offered by the DRAM chips. The on-chip RAM is not considered here as it is not manageable by MDOS. The 256 bytes of on-chip RAM are always visible in the logical address area F000-F0FB and FFFC-FFFF. Any page that is mapped to the E000-FFFF area will be overwritten by operations in that area; this must be considered when using the E000-FFFF area.

Two classes of memory management functions are available: XOPs for user tasks, and XOPs exclusively used by the operating system.

Introduction and terminology

As it was common with TI application programming, buffers were usually placed statically in the program, that is, a portion of memory (like 256 bytes) was reserved in the program code to be used for storing data. Assembly language offers the BSS and BES directives for this purpose. This is not recommended when the buffer is very big, like 12 KiB, since that space will bloat the program code that must be loaded on application start. It is impossible for even larger buffer spaces like 100 KiB. In that cases, dynamic allocation is the typical solution also known from other systems.

The Geneve offers 512 KiB of slow RAM and another 32 KiB of fast RAM. Starting from MDOS 2.5, the fast RAM must be expanded to 64 KiB. Obviously, this memory can only be effectively used with the help of memory management functions.

Logical address space and execution pages

The logical address space are the addresses as seen from the CPU. The Geneve uses a 16-bit address bus which means that the logical address space is 64 KiB large. The CPU itself is not capable of addressing more memory, which is a limitation for application design. It essentially means that a transparent access to more than 64 KiB is impossible. The CPU is not capable of representing addresses outside this area.

The connection between execution pages and the logical addresses can be seen here:


Execution pages are associated to logical addresses in a fixed way; the logical address allows to easily calculate the execution page: The first three bits determine the execution page. The remaining 13 bits are the 8 KiB memory space within this execution page.

Physical address space and physical pages

The physical address space comprises the complete memory area of the Geneve from the hardware viewpoint. There is no consideration of allocation to tasks. The physical address space consists of 256 pages of 8 KiB each, together 2 MiB.


The first 64 pages are the DRAM area (the slow RAM); from page number E8 to EF we find 8 pages of fast SRAM. The original configuration of the Geneve only included 32 KiB of SRAM, but in most cases this was expanded to 64 KiB. From page F0 to FF we find the Boot ROM; there is room for 128 KiB, but only 16 KiB are actually used, since the page address is not completely decoded in this area: All even pages are the same page, and all odd pages are the same page as well.

Physical addresses can be represented as shown here:


Accordingly, physical addresses range from 000000 to 1FFFFF. The TMS 9995, however, cannot use physical addresses since they do not match the 16 bit width of the address bus. The Geneve architecture includes a memory mapper which is used to map the logical address space of the CPU to the physical address space. So when the CPU accesses the logical address A080 the mapper determines which physical address this corresponds with. For instance, if the mapper contains the value 2C for execution page 5, the logical address A080 maps to physical address 058080.

Virtual pages

In principle, multitasking is possible whenever we have means of passing control between independent applications. This can be done explicitly (by yielding) or timer-controlled. For multiple tasks we have to take care that each task gets a part of the global memory area exclusively for itself.

Virtual address spaces in other architectures

Virtual memory and its management in PC architectures refers to the mechanism by which a part of the logical address is interpreted as an index in a page table (or a cascaded page table). The page table contains pointers to physical memory and also to space on a mass storage, allowing for swapping pages in and out. The Geneve memory organization is similar to this concept as a pointer into a table is translated to a prefix into the physical address space.

However, and this is a notable difference, there is no support for virtual addresses in the TMS 9995. We may, of course, write applications that take care of memory mapping, but this is a pure software solution. The XOPs as shown below, and also other XOPs like those for file access, provide such a software implementation of virtual addressing.

PC architectures with the Intel 8086 had an address bus of 20 bits (1 MiB address space), the Intel 80286 had an address bus width of 24 bit which already allowed for 16 MiB address space. Modern PCs have at least a 32-bit wide address. A process may thus make use of a maximum of 232 bytes or 4 GiB. Here the address space is (or better was) larger than the amount of memory in the system. (Now you know why you might want to change to a 64-bit architecture.)

With our Geneve, however, the address space is smaller than the amount of available memory, and we neither have any kind of segment registers as in the 8086. This means that we will never have a similarly simple, expandable memory model as known from the PC world. Any kind of memory paging must be handled on the software level.

The concept as presented here as some similarities with the EMS technology on PCs which was dropped with the availability of the 80386 and newer processors featuring the protected mode that allowed programs to make use of the virtual memory management.

User-task XOPs

User-task XOPs are available for use in application programs.

Available memory pages

Opcode: 0

Input Output
R0 Opcode (0000) Error code (always 0)
R1 Number of free pages
R2 Number of fast free pages
R3 Total number of pages in system

Allocate pages

Opcode: 1

Input Output
R0 Opcode (0001) Error code (0, 1, 7, 8)
R1 Number of pages Number of pages actually fetched to complete map as required
R2 Local page address Number of fast pages fetched
R3 Speed flag (if not 0, only fast)

This function is used to claim pages from the set of unassigned physical pages. This is particularly useful when the application requires more than just small buffers.

Free pages

Opcode: 2

Input Output
R0 Opcode (0002) Error code (0, 2)
R1 Number of pages
R2 Local page address

Error code 2 is returned when the local page address (R2) is 0; page 0 cannot be freed in this way.

Map local page at excution page

Opcode: 3

Input Output
R0 Opcode (0003) Error code (-, 2, 3)
R1 Local page number
R2 Execution page number

The local page numbers are the IDs of the allocated memory pages. The task contains a linked list of pointers to these local pages; the last list element points to 0. The list of pages is not sorted, so the search for a special local page may require to traverse the complete list.

Error code 2 is returned when the local page number or the execution page number is 0.

Error code 3 is returned when the execution page number is higher than 7 or the list does not contain an entry with the given local page number.

Get address map

Opcode: 4

Input Output
R0 Opcode (0004) Error code (-, 8)
R1 Pointer to buffer Count of pages reported
R2 Buffer size

On return of the call, the memory locations pointed to by R1 contain a sequence of physical page numbers that have been allocated. R1 contains the length of this sequence.

Error code 8 is returned when the buffer is too small to hold the list of numbers of allocated pages.

Declare shared pages

Opcode: 5

Input Output
R0 Opcode (0005) Error code
R1 Number of pages to declare as shared
R2 Local page address
R3 Type to be assigned to shared pages

Release shared pages (type)

Opcode: 6

Input Output
R0 Opcode (0006) Error code
R1 Type

Also have to check their current execution map

Get shared pages

Opcode: 7

Input Output
R0 Opcode (0007) Error code
R1 Type
R2 Local page number for start of shared area

Return size of shared page group

Opcode: 8

Input Output
R0 Opcode (0008) Error code
R1 Type Number of pages in shared group

Privileged XOPs (only available for operating system)

Release task

Opcode: 9

Input Output
R0 Opcode (0009)

Task header at >8000

Page get

Opcode: 10

Input Output
R0 Opcode (000A) Error code
R1 Page number to get (if high byte not 0, get first available) Pointer to node
R2 Speed flag (if not 0, only fast) Page number from node

Add page to free pages in system

Opcode: 11

Input Output
R0 Opcode (000B) Error code (if no free nodes available)
R1 Page number Pointer to node

Add a node to the list of free nodes

Opcode: 12

Input Output
R0 Opcode (000C) Error code (always 0000)
R1 Pointer to node

Link a node to the specified node

Opcode: 13

Input Output
R0 Opcode (000D) Error code (always 0000)
R1 Pointer to node
R2 Pointer to node to link to

Get address map (system)

Opcode: 14

Input Output
R0 Opcode (000E) Count of valid pages

Error codes

Code Meaning
00 No error
01 Not enough free pages
02 Can't remap execution page zero
03 No page at local address
04 user area not large enough for list
05 Shared type already defined
06 Shared type doesn't exist
07 Can't overlay shared and private memory
08 Out of table space