Funnelweb environment version 4.40

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Funnelweb Operating Environment by Tony and Will McGovern.

Funnelwriter came first as a useful and more powerful option to TI Writer, and this expanded and expanded and became Funnelweb, which is so much more than a word processor.

Screen grab of Extended BASIC selection screen

Loading Funnelweb

Funnelweb will load with almost anything, and is configured to use a number of utility programs some of which are supplied in the package. Note that some menu options for external programs require you to add the programs from other sources, and use the required file names.

The Extended BASIC LOADer must not be edited, and should not be SAVEd with Myarc Extended Basic 2 - copy it with a file manager.

Funnelweb is highly configurable and therefore you should first make a good back up of your disks and place them safely apart. Take the time to read the multiple part documentation.

If you load with Extended BASIC you will see the XB Selection Screen. If you select option 1 or 2 the Extended BASIC environment is destroyed and will need to be rebooted to get back here. The selection screen can be configured and has some sample entries by way of demonstration.

Function 7 will produce a disk directory. In all parts of the program Ctrl C or Function 9 is effective as a BACK key.

TI Writer Menu

Screen grab of first Text Editor menu
Screen grab of second Text Editor menu

If you select TI Writer from the XB Selection screen you will go to another menu, which can be toggled using space to a further list.

The Text Editor is an improved version of TI Writer - see the article Fweb Editor Vn 5

Screen grab of Text Editor

From the command line H is for Help which will take you to the first of several help pages - page using keys Q and A.

Screen grab of first Text Editor Help screen
Screen grab of Disk Utilities menu
Screen grab of Disk Review screen

You will find Funnelweb has a Disk Utility menu which leads to Disk Review.

Editor assembler editor

From the "Editor Assembler" menu you can access the Programmers Editor, which differs from the Text Editor in that word-wrap is disabled, E/A tab defaults set, and files are saved to disk with no final tab record appended. By default the Source Editor will use a larger character set.


The Program File Loader offers eight different environments to enable you to load most program files. Read the documentation EASM

The most important files supplied

Here is a list of files- some of them may be supplied in an archived form requiring unarchiving with Barry Boone's Archiver.

  • LOAD and FW - the main program in XB and E/A program formats
  • ED and EE - files for both Text Editor and Programmer's Editor
  • FO,FP - Formatter program files
  • AS,AT - Assembler program files
  • CF,CG - Configuration program to set preferences in FW and LOAD and to set up User Lists
  • SYSCON - Sample configuration file for use with CF/CG
  • QD and QF - Quick Disk Directory called up by <AID> from main program or by the Assembler and Formatter
  • DR,DS (or perhaps on disk as DR40,DR41) is the DiskReview program called from Central Menu Option #8 or as initial autoload
  • C1,C2 - character definition files
  • EA,LL,SL - system auxiliary loader files for EA Program and Load/Run, LowLoader, and ScriptLoader
  • UL,D1 - sample User List files
  • ML - a sample Multi-List file
  • SCRIPT - sample load script
  • LH - LineHunter assembly programmers' search utility
  • FSAVE - improved Save utility for generating E/A program files
  • CP,C99PFIO;O - auxiliary files for use with Clint Pulley's c99 Rel 4
  • CT8K/O - installs FUNNELWEB as menu item in E/A + 8K RAM cartridges
  • LDFW - Dis/Fix 80 loader for FW from Minimem, E/A and Myarc XBII
  • XB4THLD - loader for TI-Forth from XB cartridge.

External programs in the Menus

If you wish to add them from elsewhere (for example from Version 4.30 of Funnelweb) the following programs and file names should be used:

  • Archiver = AR
  • c Compiler = CP
  • Disk Hacker = DH
  • Disk Patch = DP
  • Disk Util = DU
  • DM1000 = MG and MH
  • RAG Linker = LN
  • Infocom Adventures = DSK3.IN
  • TI Forth = Place the disk in Drive 1 (no file name is appropriate)


Detailed documentation of the various aspects of the program is to be found in the FWDOC files,

  • FWDOC/LOAD - general information on system and disk organisation, the XB user's list, and program-wide facilities
  • FWDOC/TIWR - use of the package as a substitute for the TI-Writer module
  • FWDOC/EASM - programmer's editor and assembler operation, and program loading functions
  • FWDOC/UTIL - notes on utility programs in the package used with FUNNELWEB
  • FWDOC/REPT - chronicle of bugs, fixes, updates, problems, and background information. Make sure you read this file
  • FWDOC/SCLL - details of Low-Loader, Script-Loader, Assembly MAKE, and User and Multi-List files
  • FWDOC/DR40 and FWDOC/DR41 - use of the DiskReview menu option in the 40 column version.

80 columns

The supplementary file collection for 80 column use with the DIJIT AVPC and other V9938 based systems contains *ED,EE (may be found as ED80, ED81 on the distribution disk) - 80 column Editor files which also have a 40 column edit mode

  • DR,DS (may be as DR80, DR81) - 80 column DiskReview program
  • ML (may be as ML80) - the 80-column Multi List program
  • FWDOC/EDAV - supplementary editor and general docs for the 40 and 80 column operation with AVPC, TIM, Geneve, Mechatronic systems
  • FWDOC/DR80, /DR81, and /DR82 - docs for 80 col DiskReview
  • FWDOC/PSRV - details of useful program services, pointers, and data available in the FW interface block. See also FWDOC/REPT.