Myarc (Lou Phillips) created a number of hardware devices to be used with the TI99/4a finally producing the Geneve computer. Lou was inducted into the TI99ers Hall of Fame on March 7, 2004
Myarc Extended BASIC II was an extended extended basic requiring a module, a disk system, and a specially chipped Myarc expansion memory.
Myarc Personality Card: This was the first hard disk controller for the TI-99/4A
Myarc Double-Density Controller Card|Myarc Double-Density Controller Card-Myarc's Double-Density Controller Card (DDCC) features a WD1770 controller chip.
Myarc Hard and Floppy Disk Controller|Myarc Hard and Floppy Disk Controller- It allows to control up to three floppy disk drives and up to three MFM hard disk drives; moreover, the controller could control one tape drive.
Myarc RS-232 Serial Interface